
February 14, 2025


  • File / Image Uploads on Agent UI: Agent UI now supports file and image uploads with prompts.
    • Supported file formats: .pdf , .csv ,  .txt ,  .docx , .json
    • Supported image formats: .png  ,  .jpeg ,.jpg  , .webp
  • Firecrawl Custom API URL: Allowed users to set a custom API URL for Firecrawl.
  • Updated ModelsLabTools Toolkit Constructor: The constructor in /libs/agno/tools/models_labs.py has been updated to accommodate audio generation API calls. This is a breaking change, as the parameters for the ModelsLabTools class have changed. The url and fetch_url parameters have been removed, and API URLs are now decided based on the file_type provided by the user.
Bug Fixes:
  • Gemini functions with no parameters: Addressed an issue where Gemini would reject function declarations with empty properties.
  • Fix exponential memory growth: Fixed certain cases where the agent memory would grow exponentially.
  • Chroma DB: Fixed various issues related to metadata on insertion and search.
  • Gemini Structured Output: Fixed a bug where Gemini would not generate structured output correctly.
  • MistralEmbedder: Fixed issue with instantiation of MistralEmbedder.
  • Reasoning: Fixed an issue with setting reasoning models.
  • Audio Response: Fixed an issue with streaming audio artefacts to the playground.